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The new look and feel – Icon changes in Release 19

Did you notice that recently we made some changes to your PropCo User Interface, specifically the icons on the main homepage? As these are only small changes you may be wondering why they were important? There is always a good reason for the changes we make within PropCo (In an upcoming blog we will discuss this further). Read on to find out more…

Home page redesign – a taster of what’s to come!

What have we changed here?
Some modifications to the icons on the top tool bar:

PropCo Toolbar


New and bright module icons:

PropCo Icons

These icon changes are part of our phased redesign in order to ease the user into our brand new, bold and updated PropCo look and a small taste of great things to come… watch this space!

We have not changed the order of the icons so hopefully you do not click in the wrong place when you are on auto pilot!

If you want more information on upcoming releases and development please feel free to call us for information.


The Dashboard

You may notice some space on the right hand side of the home page, with the welcome message.

PropCo Dashboard

What would you like to see on the dashboard?

Would it be useful to have agency or branch stats? Do you want tasks or diary reminders here? Would you like urgent internal messages or daily KPIs? Would it be useful to you to have “Did you know” information or upcoming release information here?

Should you want to see anything specific in this space, or have any ideas here please let us know.

Continual product improvement and innovation relies on customer feedback. After all, you are using the software on a day to day basis. If you have any feedback or suggestions for change please send them in to us at we would love to hear them.


For info on the other changes in Release 19 please refer to your release notes sent out by email, or contact

To discuss anything in this blog, please call 0845 0047 142

Rachel Goldsmith

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